car insurance and DWI

Auto Insurance and DWI

Remember that DWI laws and procedures can vary by state, so it’s essential to consult with a local DWI attorney to get accurate and personalized information regarding your specific situation and your state’s laws.

  • Will my car insurance rates increase after a DWI conviction? Yes, a DWI conviction is likely to result in significantly higher car insurance rates due to the increased risk perception by insurance companies.
  • How long will a DWI conviction affect my car insurance rates? The impact of a DWI conviction on car insurance rates can vary, but it may affect rates for several years, typically three to seven years or more.
  • Is it possible for my insurance company to drop me after a DWI conviction? Yes, some insurance companies may choose not to renew your policy or drop you as a customer altogether following a DWI conviction.
  • Can I shop for other insurance providers after a DWI conviction to get better rates? Yes, you can explore other insurance providers, but keep in mind that a DWI conviction can be a significant factor in determining your rates with any company.
  • What is an SR-22 insurance certificate, and will I need one after a DWI? An SR-22 is a form that some high-risk drivers may be required to file with their state’s DMV. After a DWI conviction, you may need an SR-22 to reinstate your license.
  • How much will my car insurance rates increase after a DWI? The exact increase in car insurance rates after a DWI can vary based on the insurance company, your location, driving history, and other factors.
  • Can I remove a DWI from my driving record to get better insurance rates? In some states, a DWI may be eligible for expungement or removal from your driving record after a certain period, but not all states allow this. Check with your local DMV for eligibility.
  • What if I am in the process of getting car insurance when I receive a DWI? If you have a DWI while shopping for car insurance, the insurance company may still take the conviction into consideration when providing you with a quote.
  • Will my insurance rates be affected if someone else was driving my car when they received a DWI? In most cases, your insurance rates are based on the overall risk of your household. If someone in your household receives a DWI, it could impact your rates.
  • Can I get special insurance for high-risk drivers after a DWI conviction? Some insurance companies specialize in providing coverage for high-risk drivers, including those with DWI convictions, but rates may still be higher.
  • Can my insurance company cancel my policy if I am charged with a DWI but not yet convicted? Insurance companies generally cannot cancel your policy mid-term solely based on an arrest for a DWI, but they may choose not to renew your policy at the end of the term.
  • Will a DWI conviction affect my ability to get life insurance or health insurance? A DWI conviction may not directly affect your ability to get life or health insurance, but it may impact your rates or eligibility for certain policies.
  • Can I exclude myself from my insurance policy to prevent rate increases after a DWI? Excluding yourself from your insurance policy may not be a valid option, as insurance companies often consider all household members and drivers when assessing risk.
  • Can my insurance company conduct a random drug or alcohol test after a DWI conviction? Insurance companies generally do not conduct random drug or alcohol tests, but they may consider the DWI conviction in calculating risk when underwriting your policy.
  • What should I do if my insurance company refuses to renew my policy after a DWI? If your insurance company refuses to renew your policy, you will need to explore other insurance options to maintain coverage.
  • Can I get a discount on car insurance for completing a DWI education program? Some insurance companies offer discounts for completing approved DWI education programs, but policies vary, so it’s best to inquire with your insurer.
  • Will my insurance rates go back to normal once the DWI is no longer on my record? Once the DWI is no longer on your record, your insurance rates may gradually decrease, but it depends on your overall driving history and other factors.
  • Can I switch to a new insurance provider to avoid high rates after a DWI? Switching to a new insurance provider may not necessarily help you avoid high rates, as most companies will consider your DWI conviction in their underwriting process.
  • Should I inform my insurance company if I am arrested for a DWI, even if I’m not convicted yet? It’s generally a good idea to inform your insurance company about the arrest, as they may need to be aware of potential changes in risk.
  • Can I appeal a rate increase from my insurance company after a DWI conviction? You can discuss your options with your insurance company, but appealing a rate increase after a DWI conviction may not always be successful, as it’s typically based on actuarial data and risk assessment.